Check ticket pricing for the Women's FA Cup final on Sunday, May 4th, 2025 at Wembley Stadium. Buy your tickets online for this 2024-2025 Women's FA Cup match in Wembley (London). at Wembley Stadium, Wembley (London). Don't miss out on the opportunity to watch this football match live from the stands. Make sure you first use our comparison tool to check prices before you buy tickets online.
Compare ticket prices for the Women's FA Cup final
Our website is a price comparator: You will be able to buy your tickets for this match on a third-party ticketing website. Ticket prices and availability for the Women's FA Cup final are set by the online ticketing platforms and/or the event promoter.
We found one Club Wembley Official Travel & Hospitality Agent with availability for tickets.
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Women's FA Cup final kick-off date and time
The kick off for the Women's FA Cup final has been confirmed for Sunday, May 4th, 2025 at 17:00. Please note that the time shown is in local time (Europe/London BST).How to get to the stadium ?
Wembley StadiumWembley
HA9 0WS, Wembley (London), England
51.5559570, -0.2795590
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