List of all football matches

Can’t find the match you’re looking for? Check here for all the football matches on our site, from domestic leagues to international cups or championships. Access from the links below, selecting whether you are looking for a match from a European or non-European league.

Matches in Europe

Select a European country to find an exhaustive list of all the matches. Browse through top Leagues such as the Spanish La Liga, the English Premier League, the German Bundesliga and the Italian Serie A. You will also find second-division and other matches in different European cups like the Champions League. And if you are looking for a match from a European league or tournament, such as the Dutch Eredivisie, the Scottish Premiership, the Portuguese Primeira Liga, the Belgian First Division or the Turkish Süper Lig, you have come to the right place. Look at the countries below and compare ticket prices to get the best available offer for your seats.

Football matches in France

Looking for a match in the French league, Ligue 1? If you want to attend a football match in France, we recommend you go to the official websites of the first and second-division championships to get all the information on how to buy tickets. You can find more information on the following link. 

Football in the Americas

In addition to the main European football leagues, you will also find the best soccer championships from around the world.

Thousands of fans are looking for soccer tickets for the MLS, the Mexican Liga MX, the Premier League in Canada or the Liga Argentina. You will be able to compare availability and ticket prices here. Select a country to access the team or match you wish to attend in order to check prices and buy your tickets at the best price.

Football matches in Asia

Asia is becoming the host of some of the greatest football competitions, with Qatar hosting the World Cup and the Asian Cup of Nations, and Saudi Arabia celebrating European Supercups.

If you still haven’t found the event you want to attend, you can check the calendars by club or competition

We want to make it easy for you: Through our platform, you will find tickets at the best value by comparing ticket prices offered by the different ticketing providers for each game.

On our website, you can find an exhaustive list of football games from all leagues around the world. If you do not find the match you want to attend, let us know, and we will find it for you. Find your match on, the reference website to compare ticket prices for a football match.