Compare prices for Burnley tickets on our website. We list football tickets for all Burnley home matches at Turf Moor in Burnley as well as for away matches for the 2024-2025 season.
Burnley play their home matches at Turf Moor in Burnley. The stadium has a total capacity of 22,546 seats.
Turf Moor: 52-56 Harry Potts Way, BB10 4BX Burnley, England (53.7890050, -2.2301840)
Coming up next: Burnley will host Sheffield Wednesday at Turf Moor, Burnley, on Friday, February 21st. The club will then have another home match against Luton Town planned on March 8th. Burnley will repeat at home on March 11th against West Brom.
Burnley fixtures and ticketing info for the 2024-2025 season
Check the list of Burnley's upcoming matches for the 2024-2025 season and start comparing the different buying options for Burnley football tickets.
Book Your Burnley Tickets for the 2025-2026 Premier League Season
Premier League Alert: The 2025-2026 season in England is projected to start in August 2025, ending in May 2026. Keep an eye out for the official calendar by mid-2025.
Sign up on our waiting list to be on the Burnley Ticket Watch for the 2025-2026 Premier League season. We’ll inform you as soon as you can buy Burnley FC tickets. Compare prices for all matches on our website and get the best deals for games at Turf Moor.
Burnley's past matches at Turf Moor (Burnley) :
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